Saturday, 18 October 2014

I AM fasting

In Isaiah 58 it says this:.
“This is the kind of fast day I’m after:
    to break the chains of injustice,
    get rid of exploitation in the workplace,
    free the oppressed,
    cancel debts.
What I’m interested in seeing you do is:
    sharing your food with the hungry,
    inviting the homeless poor into your homes,
    putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad,
    being available to your own families.
Do this and the lights will turn on,
    and your lives will turn around at once.
Your righteousness will pave your way.
    The God of glory will secure your passage.
Then when you pray, God will answer.
    You’ll call out for help and I’ll say, ‘Here I am.’
    quit blaming victims,
    quit gossiping about other people’s sins,
If you are generous with the hungry
    and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out,
Your lives will begin to glow in the darkness,
    your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight.
I will always show you where to go.
    I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places—
    firm muscles, strong bones.
You’ll be like a well-watered garden,
    a gurgling spring that never runs dry.
You’ll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew,
    rebuild the foundations from out of your past.
You’ll be known as those who can fix anything,
    restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate,
    make the community liveable again.
    and don’t use my holy day for personal advantage,
If you treat the Sabbath as a day of joy,
    God’s holy day as a celebration,
If you honour it by refusing ‘business as usual,’
    making money, running here and there—
Then you’ll be free to enjoy God!

“If you get rid of unfair practices,
 “If you watch your step on the Sabbath

We need to remember to say grace before meals, and to give thanks for our days.

Jesus spent forty days going into the wilderness. There is no actual suggestion that Jesus fasted for this time, but those familiar with the story of Elijah are likely to have assumed he did.

Just like Jesus we do need to set some dedicated time to God aside.
Now fasting doesn't have to just be not eating food, and, I'm not saying you need to ‘give your sleep’ to God, but, we need not to be lazy, try and spend your ‘lazy’ time doing something to get closer to God! Give up watching your soaps, or stop spending so much time on Facebook and pick up your Bible.

Recognise what god has given to us through His Son Jesus Christ, and remember to give your whole life back to Him, take no credit for yourself!

I'm adopting this sacrificial way of life for not just this year while I'm on Essential, but hopefully I will continue this for the rest of my life.

There is an element of impossibility about being a living sacrifice, you can’t be living and be sacrificed, but we should ALWAYS strive for it.

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