Dear Essential.
I am so new to this. We are only just in the early stages of this relationship. You scare me at the moment because of the things I have to face this year. The relationships I am building with the other Essential students, leaders and the people I am going to meet are in such an early stage that I feel very overwhelmed, but I know if I trust in God and give my all to him He will guide me.
I want to thank you for everything you stand for. You’re view on how to live this year as a disciple of Christ is something I already knew but didn’t fully put into practice. I am going to remember you in everything I do, and I’m going to tell people all about what I stand for and show it through how I live it out every day.
I am sorry in advance if I don’t get things quite spot on, I really hope that this year, any wrongs that occur, I can ask God to help me though. I’m sorry that so far in this relationship, I haven’t given the time to get to know the people I’m around, but this is something I’m hoping to quickly rectify.
Please help me this year to be the person God wants me to be, please help to mould me into the best of the best that I can be.
From Lauren.